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Fresno Buddhist Temple News

Gather for Gotan-e, birth of Shinran Shonin

SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2022 Please join us as we gather in the Hondo to observe Gotan-e, the birth of Shinran Shonin, founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. We will also observe Shotsuki Hoyo for the month of May.

Hawaiian Plate Dinner, May 21 2022

HPD Flyer 2022 (1)  Saturday, May 21, 20222 pm to 6 pmPlate Dinnerincludes Chicken Katsu, rice, Hawaiian potato/macaronisalad, tsukemono salad, dessertTake-out OnlyFresno Betsuin Family Dharma Center • 2690 E. AlluvialDonation: $17.00We have delayed this year's...