Saturday, May 21, 2022
2 pm to 6 pm
Plate Dinner
includes Chicken Katsu, rice, Hawaiian potato/macaroni
salad, tsukemono salad, dessert
Take-out Only
Fresno Betsuin Family Dharma Center • 2690 E. Alluvial
Donation: $17.00
We have delayed this year’s fundraiser from April to May, due to concerns
over Covid-19. Also in the interest of safety, we are making a few
adjustments. The Dinner will be essentially be the same, but we have
taken steps to streamline the preparation. Also, only individuals who
have been fully vaccinated will be allowed to volunteer. Safety First is
uppermost in our minds.
This year, we will not do outside deliveries, so all meals must be picked
up at the FDC. In the interest of caution, at this time, we are having Takeout
Let’s look forward to the return to normal.
Please write your check to the FRESNO BUDDHIST CHURCH.
Hawaiian Plate Dinner
Fresno Buddhist Church invites you to our Twenty-sixth Annual
Order Form
Please write check to:
Fresno Buddhist Church • 2690 E. Alluvial Ave. •
Fresno, CA 93720 and return form by Friday, May 13.
Your dinner tickets will be mailed to you.
Any questions? Call Sherian or Glenn at 435-8050, or
email: [email protected]
Name(s) _________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City_______________________________ Zip _______Phone ____________
Dinner Tickets: $17 x = _
Raffle Tickets: $5 x = _
Donation: = _
Total Enclosed = _